
with Minister Tamasa Easley
P4HP Discipleship Outline
January 29th, 2024- March 24th, 2024
Week One: What Is Discipleship?
Jesus’ commission to the disciples
Why is discipleship important?
What does it mean to be discipled?
Week Two: Living With The Holy Spirit
What does the Word say about Holy Spirit?
How do I allow Him to assist me in my daily life?
Week Three: A Deeper Prayer Life
What is prayer?
How to pray?
How to apply the Word to my prayers?
Week Four: Living By Faith
What is faith?
Learning how to apply faith in my daily life
Week Five: Live Healed Everyday
Exploring what the Word of God says about healing
How to walk in God’s complete healing everyday
Week Six: Living In The Blessing
What is The Blessing?
How to cooperate with God’s economy through tithes and offering
What does it mean to sow seed?
Week Seven: Learn How To Use Your Authority
What is authority?
Why is authority important in the life of a believer?
Learning how to operate in authority everyday